21 Bible Verses About Sunshine (With Commentary)

21 Bible Verses About Sunshine (With Commentary)

The warm embrace of sunshine has the power to brighten our days and lift our spirits. In the Bible, the symbolism of sunshine often represents divine blessings, guidance, and illumination. In this article, we explore uplifting Bible verses that evoke the radiance and transformative power of sunshine, reminding us of God’s light that shines upon our path, even in the darkest moments.

Bible Verses About Sunshine

Psalm 84:11

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”

The verse compares the Lord God to both a sun and a shield. It highlights God’s role as a source of light, warmth, and protection. Just as the sun provides illumination and shields us from darkness, God offers guidance, blessings, and divine favor to those who walk in righteousness and seek His will.

Malachi 4:2

“But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.”

This verse speaks of the coming of the “sun of righteousness” that brings healing and restoration. It symbolizes the advent of Jesus Christ, who is the source of spiritual enlightenment, salvation, and wholeness. Through His redemptive work, we find healing for our brokenness and deliverance from sin’s power.

Matthew 17:2

“And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.”

During the transfiguration of Jesus, His divine glory was unveiled. His face shone with radiant brilliance, likened to the brightness of the sun. This extraordinary event revealed a glimpse of His true nature as the Son of God, displaying His majesty and splendor to the disciples.

Job 37:21

“And now no one looks at the light when it is bright in the skies, when the wind has passed and cleared them.”

This verse reflects on the brilliance of light and how it captivates our attention. Just as people are drawn to the brightness of the sun after a storm, it reminds us of God’s sovereignty and power. When the storms of life pass and clarity dawns, we can behold God’s radiant presence and find comfort in His unwavering light.

Psalm 19:4

“In them he has set a tent for the sun.”

This verse metaphorically describes how God has created a dwelling place for the sun. It illustrates His meticulous design and order in the universe. The sun, positioned perfectly to sustain life on Earth, serves as a reminder of God’s intricate craftsmanship and His provision for His creation.

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Psalm 113:3

“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”

This verse emphasizes the universality of praising the Lord. As the sun spans across the sky from sunrise to sunset, the call to worship and glorify God extends to all corners of the earth. It encourages continuous adoration and acknowledges that God’s name deserves honor and praise throughout the entire world.

Ecclesiastes 11:7

“Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun.”

This verse celebrates the sweetness and delight found in the presence of light. It acknowledges the joy and beauty experienced in seeing the sun and appreciating its life-giving rays. The verse reminds us to cherish the blessings and goodness that God’s light brings into our lives.

Isaiah 60:19

“The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.”

In this verse, Isaiah prophesies about a future time when reliance on natural sources of light will no longer be necessary. Instead, God Himself will be the everlasting light, illuminating the lives of His people. It speaks of a glorious future where God’s divine presence will provide eternal illumination and bring honor and splendor to His chosen ones.

James 1:17

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

This verse reminds us that every good and perfect gift we receive comes from God, who is the Father of lights. Just as the sun provides consistent light without variation or shadow, God’s nature remains unchanging and His blessings flow abundantly. It encourages gratitude and points us to the ultimate source of all that is good.

Psalm 136:8

“The sun to rule over the day, for his steadfast love endures forever.”

This verse acknowledges the sun as the ruler of the day, signifying God’s loving provision. As the sun faithfully brings light and warmth throughout the day, it serves as a reminder of God’s enduring love. His steadfastness and faithfulness remain constant, offering reassurance and comfort in all circumstances.

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Jeremiah 31:35

“Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night.”

In this verse, the prophet Jeremiah affirms God’s role as the provider of light. He speaks of the divine arrangement where the sun illuminates the day and the moon and stars illuminate the night. It highlights God’s sovereignty over creation and His meticulous design that enables us to experience the beauty and order of the day and night cycles.

Psalm 84:11

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”

This verse depicts the Lord God as both a sun and a shield. It emphasizes His role as a source of light and protection. Just as the sun provides warmth, illumination, and life-giving energy, God shines His favor and honor upon those who walk uprightly before Him. He withholds no good thing from those who live in accordance with His will.

Psalm 113:3

“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”

This verse calls for continuous praise to the Lord from the time the sun rises to the time it sets. It invites all people, from every corner of the earth, to join in the exaltation of God’s name. The cycle of the sun serves as a reminder of the eternal nature of worship and the unceasing adoration due to our Creator.

Isaiah 60:1

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”

This verse encourages God’s people to rise and shine because their light has come. It speaks of the divine illumination and glory that radiates upon them. Just as the sun rises and fills the earth with light, God’s presence and favor shine upon His chosen ones, enabling them to display His glory in the world.

Job 37:21

“And now no one looks at the light when it is bright in the skies, when the wind has passed and cleared them.”

This verse reflects on the brilliance of light and its ability to capture our attention. It describes how people are naturally drawn to the brightness of the sun after a storm has passed and the sky has cleared. It reminds us of God’s sovereignty and power, as the sun’s radiance brings hope and reassurance after the darkness and chaos have subsided.

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Psalm 19:4

“In them he has set a tent for the sun.”

This verse uses a metaphor to describe how God has established a dwelling place for the sun. It highlights God’s intricate design and order in the universe. The sun, positioned perfectly to sustain life on Earth, serves as a reminder of God’s meticulous craftsmanship and His provision for His creation.

Psalm 113:3

“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”

This verse emphasizes the universal call to praise the Lord. From the moment the sun rises until it sets, the name of the Lord is to be exalted and honored. The verse inspires continuous adoration, acknowledging that God’s name deserves to be praised throughout the entire world.

Ecclesiastes 11:7

“Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun.”

This verse celebrates the sweetness and delight found in the presence of light. It recognizes the joy and beauty experienced in seeing the sun and appreciating its life-giving rays. The verse encourages us to cherish the blessings and goodness that God’s light brings into our lives.

Isaiah 60:19

“The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.”

In this verse, Isaiah prophesies about a future time when reliance on natural sources of light will no longer be necessary. Instead, God Himself will be the everlasting light, illuminating the lives of His people. It speaks of a glorious future where God’s divine presence will provide eternal illumination and become the ultimate source of honor and glory for His people.


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