Joshua 19 Meaning and Commentary

Joshua 19 Meaning and Commentary

Joshua 19

The second lot came out for the tribe of Simeon according to its clans. Their inheritance lay within the territory of Judah. 2 It included:

Beersheba (or Sheba), Moladah, 3 Hazar Shual, Balah, Ezem, 4 Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah, 5 Ziklag, Beth Markaboth, Hazar Susah, 6 Beth Lebaoth and Sharuhen—thirteen towns and their villages;

7 Ain, Rimmon, Ether and Ashan—four towns and their villages— 8 and all the villages around these towns as far as Baalath Beer (Ramah in the Negev).

This was the inheritance of the tribe of the Simeonites, according to its clans. 9 The inheritance of the Simeonites was taken from the share of Judah, because Judah’s portion was more than they needed. So the Simeonites received their inheritance within the territory of Judah.

10 The third lot came up for Zebulun according to its clans:

The boundary of their inheritance went as far as Sarid. 11 Going west it ran to Maralah, touched Dabbesheth, and extended to the ravine near Jokneam. 12 It turned east from Sarid toward the sunrise to the territory of Kisloth Tabor and went on to Daberath and up to Japhia. 13 Then it continued eastward to Gath Hepher and Eth Kazin; it came out at Rimmon and turned toward Neah. 14 There the boundary went around on the north to Hannathon and ended at the Valley of Iphtah El. 15 Included were Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Idalah and Bethlehem. There were twelve towns and their villages.

16 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of Zebulun, according to its clans.

17 The fourth lot came out for Issachar according to its clans. 18 Their territory included:

Jezreel, Kesulloth, Shunem, 19 Hapharaim, Shion, Anaharath, 20 Rabbith, Kishion, Ebez, 21 Remeth, En Gannim, En Haddah and Beth Pazzez. 22 The boundary touched Tabor, Shahazumah and Beth Shemesh, and ended at the Jordan. There were sixteen towns and their villages.

23 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Issachar, according to its clans.

24 The fifth lot came out for the tribe of Asher according to its clans. 25 Their territory included:

Helkath, Hali, Beten, Akshaph, 26 Allammelek, Amad and Mishal. On the west the boundary touched Carmel and Shihor Libnath. 27 It then turned east toward Beth Dagon, touched Zebulun and the Valley of Iphtah El, and went north to Beth Emek and Neiel, passing Kabul on the left. 28 It went to Abdon, Rehob, Hammon and Kanah, as far as Greater Sidon. 29 The boundary then turned back toward Ramah and went to the fortified city of Tyre, turned toward Hosah and came out at the Mediterranean Sea in the region of Akzib, 30 Ummah, Aphek and Rehob. There were twenty-two towns and their villages.

31 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Asher, according to its clans.

32 The sixth lot came out for Naphtali according to its clans:

33 Their boundary went from Heleph and the large tree in Zaanannim, passing Adami Nekeb and Jabneel to Lakkum and ending at the Jordan. 34 The boundary ran west through Aznoth Tabor and came out at Hukkok. It touched Zebulun on the south, Asher on the west and the Jordan on the east. 35 The fortified towns were Ziddim, Zer, Hammath, Rakkath, Kinnereth, 36 Adamah, Ramah, Hazor, 37 Kedesh, Edrei, En Hazor, 38 Iron, Migdal El, Horem, Beth Anath and Beth Shemesh. There were nineteen towns and their villages.

39 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Naphtali, according to its clans.

40 The seventh lot came out for the tribe of Dan according to its clans. 41 The territory of their inheritance included:

Zorah, Eshtaol, Ir Shemesh, 42 Shaalabbin, Aijalon, Ithlah, 43 Elon, Timnah, Ekron, 44 Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Baalath, 45 Jehud, Bene Berak, Gath Rimmon, 46 Me Jarkon and Rakkon, with the area facing Joppa.

47 (When the territory of the Danites was lost to them, they went up and attacked Leshem, took it, put it to the sword and occupied it. They settled in Leshem and named it Dan after their ancestor.)

48 These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Dan, according to its clans.

49 When they had finished dividing the land into its allotted portions, the Israelites gave Joshua son of Nun an inheritance among them, 50 as the Lord had commanded. They gave him the town he asked for—Timnath Serah in the hill country of Ephraim. And he built up the town and settled there.

51 These are the territories that Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun and the heads of the tribal clans of Israel assigned by lot at Shiloh in the presence of the Lord at the entrance to the tent of meeting. And so they finished dividing the land.

Joshua 19 Meaning

Joshua 19 is a chapter in the book of Joshua that describes the allotment of land for the remaining seven tribes of Israel. It details the specific territories and cities that were given to each tribe. The purpose of this division was to fulfill the promise of God to the Israelites, who were to possess the land of Canaan as their inheritance.

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Joshua 19 Commentary and Explanation

Joshua 19 provides us with a detailed account of the allotment of land to the tribe of Simeon and the remaining tribes of Israel. As we read into this chapter, we can see the meticulous care with which God divides the Promised Land among His chosen people, fulfilling His covenant promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

First, it is important to note that the land allocation is a continuation of the division initiated in Joshua 14-18. This demonstrates the faithfulness of God to His Word and His commitment to fulfill the inheritance He had promised to Israel. Just as God is faithful to His promises, we too can trust in His faithfulness in our lives today, knowing that He keeps His word.

In verse 1, we see that the lot for Simeon was taken from the portion of Judah. This serves as a reminder of the consequences of Simeon’s earlier sin in Genesis 34 and Jacob’s curse upon the tribe in Genesis 49:5-7. It also highlights the importance of repentance and reconciliation with God, as our past actions can have consequences that affect our future.

Throughout the chapter, we encounter various cities and boundaries that were assigned to different tribes. These specific allocations serve as a reminder of God’s concern for every detail in the lives of His people. In our own lives, we can trust that God is involved in the intricate details of our circumstances, and we should seek His guidance in all our decisions.

One significant city mentioned is Beth-shemesh (verse 22), which means “house of the sun.” This city’s name reminds us of the importance of worshiping the one true God and not bowing down to false idols or deities. It echoes the First Commandment (Exodus 20:3) and encourages us to keep our hearts and minds focused on God alone.

Verse 47 mentions that the territory assigned to the tribe of Dan was insufficient, leading them to seek an inheritance elsewhere. This decision to seek their own land was contrary to God’s original plan. It serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the consequences when we stray from God’s design for our lives. Dan’s descendants later embraced idolatry, as seen in Judges 18, illustrating how compromise with the world can lead to spiritual decline.

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Joshua 19 reveals God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises to His people, His concern for the details of their lives, and the consequences of disobedience and compromise. As we study this chapter, let us be reminded of God’s unwavering faithfulness in our lives and strive to walk in obedience to His Word, trusting that He will guide us in the allocation of our own “promised land.”

Context of Joshua 19

To fully understand the context of Joshua 19, we need to look back at earlier chapters in the book of Joshua. After the Israelites crossed the Jordan River, they engaged in battles to conquer Canaan, beginning with the city of Jericho. The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh were given their inheritance on the eastern side of the Jordan, while the remaining tribes awaited their allotment.

Joshua 19 follows the previous chapters where the land was divided among the other tribes of Israel. Each tribe received a portion of the land, and these boundaries were determined by casting lots before the Lord. The chapter describes the specific boundaries and cities that were assigned to each tribe.

4. Breaking Down the Key Parts of the bible verses

a) Verses 1-9: The first part of Joshua 19 lists the territories and cities given to the tribe of Simeon. This tribe’s inheritance was located within the portion of Judah. Simeon’s territory was smaller in size, but it was still part of God’s plan for them.

b) Verses 10-16: The second part of the chapter describes the inheritance of Zebulun. Their territory was located to the northwest of the Sea of Galilee, bordering Naphtali in the north and Issachar in the south. This region had fertile land, which was suitable for agriculture.

c) Verses 17-23: The next section focuses on the inheritance of Issachar. Their territory was located to the south of the Sea of Galilee and extended towards the Jezreel Valley. This area was known for its fertile soil, making it ideal for farming.

d) Verses 24-31: The following part outlines the inheritance of Asher. Their territory was situated on the Mediterranean coast, providing them with access to the sea. Asher’s land was known for its abundance of olive trees.

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e) Verses 32-39: The chapter then discusses the territory of Naphtali. Their inheritance was located to the north of the Sea of Galilee and bordered by Asher in the west and Zebulun in the south. This region was characterized by its picturesque landscapes, including Lake Huleh and the upper Jordan River.

f) Verses 40-48: The next section describes the inheritance of Dan. Their territory was located on the western side of the land, adjacent to Ephraim and Judah. However, due to the powerful enemies in the area, the tribe of Dan struggled to fully possess their allotted territory.

g) Verses 49-51: The final section discusses the allotment for Joshua according to God’s command

Bible Study on Joshua 19

In studying Joshua 19, we can learn several important lessons. Firstly, this chapter reminds us of God’s commitment to fulfill His promises. Just as He allotted the land to each tribe, He has also promised to fulfill His promises to us. We can trust in His faithfulness and rely on His word.

Secondly, the division of the land teaches us the importance of each tribe having their own inheritance. Each tribe had a unique role and purpose within the nation of Israel, and their inheritance provided a foundation for their identity. In the same way, we all have been given unique gifts, talents, and callings by God. It is essential that we recognize and embrace our God-given inheritance to fulfill our purpose in His kingdom.

Lastly, the struggles faced by the tribe of Dan serve as a reminder that possessing our inheritance may require perseverance and spiritual warfare. We must press on, trusting in God’s strength and guidance, even when faced with challenges and opposition.

Final Thoughts

Joshua 19 may not be the most exciting chapter in the Bible, but it carries great significance. It showcases God’s faithfulness, the importance of individual inheritances, and the need for perseverance in possessing our God-given promises.

As we study these verses, let us be encouraged to trust in God’s promises, embrace our unique identities in Christ, and press on in faith as we seek to possess our spiritual inheritances.

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