Top 50 Most Popular Pokémon Female Characters

Pokemon is one of the most popular media franchises of all time. And although it isn’t directed toward a mature audience, there’s no denying that people still love to watch a few episodes here and there just for some refreshment.

Therefore, in the grand scheme of things, Pokemon is a show that managed to become extremely popular among fans without any effort. And there are several reasons for that.

The storyline, the adventure element, and the inquisitiveness of Pokemons altogether are some of the many features that people appreciate about this anime. However, there’s one more feature that makes the series stand out even more.

I hope you enjoy it.

1. Misty


Misty is the OG female character in Pokemon. And that’s what makes her so amazing and fascinating in the first place. After all, there’s no denying that this girl set the benchmark for every other girl who followed and for a lot of people, no one has been able to surpass that benchmark just yet.

The key feature of Misty is her association with Ash and how she used to act as the mother figure for the entire team. The fact that she is a water-type Pokemon trainer, goes on to show that her personality is nothing less than fascinating for the audience.

2. Serena


It wasn’t glorious but it had its moments. And they made her stand out so much more than any other character in the series. You can go ahead and search for a ton of other characters.

However, you won’t find someone like Serena in the entire series ever again. Her humble nature took her a long way in the hearts of Pokemon enthusiasts.

3. Iris


Iris is the lead female character and Ash’s companion from the Black and White series. The idea for her is a bit different than all the other girls. Unlike other girls, she doesn’t share a friendship-like relationship with Ash.

Instead, it is closer to an infamous brother-sister relationship. There doesn’t seem to be a lot going on between them. And since they spend the most time together, things do get impressive between them.

However, at the end of the day, Iris is the only female companion of Ash that became a really special trainer by the end of her arc. And that’s what makes her worthy of this spot on our list.

4. Dawn


Dawn is one of the most admired characters out of all of Ash’s partners. The idea is that, unlike other characters, Ash has a proper mix of bond and friendly fighting with her. And that’s why Dawn is always a partner who is reflected upon as a perfect match for Ash.

While that question is a subject of discussion, Dawn’s character is something that everyone can agree is absolutely amazing.

5. Officer Jenny

Officer Jenny

Officer Jenny is one of the staple characters in the series. And this goes in contrast with the idea that the characters are new in every episode. No matter which episode you watch from the original Pokemon series, it will always be Officer Jenny.

And that adds a layer of nostalgia and attachment to the character and its overall growth throughout the series. This is why she is appreciated so much within the community. There’s a reason why everybody loves and respects this woman even after years of her appearance.

And that status is all because of constant self-presentation during the initial seasons.

6. Nurse Joy

nurse joy

Nurse Joy is a prominent character that happened to entertain the audience for seasons. However, unlike Officer Jenny, her personality is more humble and humane; typical of a nurse. Nurse Joy is the doctor assigned the task of taking care of Pokemon that visits her hospital.

And although every nurse Joy out there looks the same, there’s no denying that all of these nurses made a great impact on the audience. And this impact was so strong that even if we ask about the true Pokemon doctor, most of the viewers will say Nurse Joy without thinking twice.

That’s how you know you are incredible.

7. May


And that allows her to gain more credibility and love from fans. The character managed to make a name for herself despite the insane competition that she had to face from some of the other well-known faces.

And that’s just the surface of what was bound to happen. With time, May grew more and more in the minds of the viewers. And soon enough, we found a character that can’t be compared to anyone in her series.

Let’s just say that a beautiful trainer was nurtured under this tree.

8. Bea


She gained a lot of attention despite not being part of any large organization. And that goes on to show how incredible she is as a character. Bea is one of the side characters in the series who happens to be part of the Gym trainers.

All in all, she is a great character for the players and provides a lot more value and recognition from fans all around the world.

9. Jessie


Whether it’s her foolishness or aggression, every bit of content provided by her was intriguing for the audience. And that’s why she managed to leave an everlasting impact on the audience.

Apart from the fact that she gets thrown out of the screen by the end of every episode, people have a sense of respect for the entire team Rocket. And that’s why Jessie manages to take the fans by storm whenever she reappears.

10. Cynthia


This lady can take you head-on. And she won’t even flinch for a second. Cynthia is one of the most notable characters in the entire series. And that’s because of where she stands in the series.

Cynthia is thought to be the strongest Pokemon trainer in the entire world. And with the help of her Garchomp, she can take any enemy without breaking a sweat. She is the champion of the Sinnoh region.

And according to countless theories, she is the absolute strongest character in the entire show as well. Imagine holding that status for yourself. Being the best Pokemon trainer even after years of Pokemon airing on screen.

Now that’s something beyond impressive.

11. Whitney


Oh dear, it’s her. The legendary Whitney. She is infamous within the anime community for her Miltank. And let’s just say that facing Miltank was NOTHING less than a nightmare.

She was one of the early opponents for the player so it was tough for anyone to look at her and assume that she will be a challenging opponent. Unfortunately, viewers couldn’t be more wrong.

Defeating Whitney and her Miltank is still one of the hardest challenges in the entire history of Pokemon. And that’s why she gained so much love among fans of the show.

It’s just the level of engagement that she brings through her performance, that makes her a standout character on the show.

12. Honey


She might not ring any bells to you just yet. However, there’s no denying that Honey is a noteworthy name in the series. Honey is one of the side characters in the show who happens to have a lot going on for her.

She is one of the latest instalments from the Franchise for the Galar region. She is Mustard’s wife and has a sweet smile on her face at all times. The interesting feature about Honey is that she is the only character in the series who has a special trainer class called Dojo Matron.

And this is just one of the many reasons why people look up to her character in the show.

13. Karen


Coming in from the Indigo league, we have Karen. She is one of the most notable characters in the series and is a member of the elite four.

Think about it. The elite four. The best four trainers in the entire region. And for Karen, it’s the Indigo League that works as her home. Within that domain, Karen does nothing less than entertain the audience using her dark-type Pokemon.

And with an attractive appearance and a confident nature, Karen manages to entertain anyone and everyone from the franchise without breaking a sweat. That’s why she is placed here.

14. Acerola


She is one of the side characters in the show who happens to be a part of the Alola League. And within the Alola league, Acerola is a character that shaped the audience’s perception of Ghost-type Pokemon and their overall performance.

This is why Acerola is such a noteworthy character in the entire series. And let’s just say that we are yet to see more from her in the upcoming seasons.

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15. Lorelei


She is one of the most attractive characters in the entire show. And I don’t think a lot of people would disagree with me. Lorelei is one of the side characters in the show who is part of the Indigo League and specializes in Ice Type.

Her performance is known to be one of the best among all those around him. And that’s how you know she is worthy of all the attention and appreciation that she gets.

This is why Lorelei is someone you shouldn’t look down upon. And let’s just say we might get to see more from her in the later season of the show.

16. Flannery


Have you ever been to Lavaridge Town? If so then you must have met Flannery. Because this gym leader is known for her stature in her domain. She is one of the side characters in the show who is the leader of the Lavaridge gym.

And she specialises in fire-type Pokemon. And that goes without saying since her appearance has a lot of red in it. However, her skills were quite impressive since she took down trainers in the Heat Bridge.

Moreover, her Pokemon included fire beasts Magcargo and Torkoal who are known for having some extreme fire abilities under their belt. And that’s what makes this woman worthy of the current spot on our list.

Let’s just say that we would love to see more of her in the next season.

17. Phoebe


Coming in from the Hoenn league, we have Pheobe. She is one of the side characters in the series who happens to be a master when it comes to her type of Pokemon.

And that’s why she is placed here on our list. The core theme here is that the girl is a Ghost-type trainer. And that’s not all. She is also an Elite 4 member which would explain why people always look up to her.

As the story progresses, things start to get serious when she takes out her elite Pokemon. And that’s what makes Phoebe a strong candidate for battle. It is said that she has Pokemon like Dusclops and Sableye under her belt.

And that’s quite a strong portfolio if you ask me. Worthy of all the love she gets.

18. Professor Juniper

Professor Juniper

Being a Pokemon professor, she is bound to get a ton of attention and love from the audience. And that’s why Juniper is placed here. She is one of the most notable characters as she was the one who assisted the main crew during Nuvema Town.

And that’s the part where Ash begins his Unova journey. This is why she is so important to the story and its execution. Although we haven’t seen a ton from her, we can be certain that she is a kind and caring individual who looks up to the act of Pokemon training.

And her pool of knowledge is said to be one of the finest among all Professors. This is why she is worthy of the current spot on our list. There’s a way things are supposed to be done and she knows them.

19. Agatha


While her age may give you the idea that it is time for her retirement, you can bet that her performance will shut you down. Coming in from the elite four, we have Agatha.

She is a ghost-type Pokemon trainer who is part of the Indigo League. And so, she serves under the elite four of the Indigo league and stands as the oldest member of the same.

There’s a reason why people always look up to Agatha as a character. Despite having her age in place, she is still a member of the best of the best organization.

And that’s why everyone is so impressed by her action with her ghost-type Pokemon. These Pokemon include some of the finest ones like Gengar and Golbat.

20. Argenta


This girl may not spark any lights in your head just yet. However, you can bet that her presence is quite impressive, especially to Pokemon gamers. She is one of the side characters who happens to be a part of the battle Frontier Brain and that’s where her excellence comes from.

It is said that she is the only character in the game who is bestowed with the Trainer Class of Hall Matron. And that’s quite special in itself. Moreover, we also discover that her Pokemon selection is quite random depending on the level of Pokemon you bring to the table.

And so, anyone and everyone must be wary of it and make sure that they have enough to fight her.

21. Chloe


She is one of the most captured characters in her region. And that’s why people always look up to her and her personality. This cute little girl is a supporting character in the Pokemon Journeys.

And that’s just the surface of how impressive she gets in the anime. It is said that she lives in Vermilion City and also happens to have a school for herself as well.

Moreover, she has been associated with Goh ever since childhood. And because of that, this bond goes on to become stronger and stronger for the audience to love and appreciate.

If you haven’t watched the anime yet, you should give it a go.

22. Professor Ivy

Professor Ivy

Being a Pokemon professor, she is also extremely smart. However, her character stretches a bit more than just her profession. Professor Ivy is from Valencia Island and has a total of 3 assistants.

She is known for her seductive appearance and happens to entertain the audience with her intelligence and character theme. Moreover, she was the one who handed the GS Ball to Ash, and from that point onwards, things started to get interesting for the audience in the anime.

The notable feature about her is that she has an interesting history with Brock. And that history plays out a lot in the later episodes of the show. Therefore, this woman is worthy of recognition.

23. Aila


She is a character that many of you might have forgotten about. However, her personality was worthy of being put on this list. The girl is known for her association with Jan.

And that association wasn’t a simple one. Instead, it was an association or connection of love. This girl has been part of the Legend Of X, Y, and Z. And because of that, things could have gotten a lot more interesting than you might imagine.

The series that happens to have some of the most fascinating Pokemon under its belt has made it so that we don’t need to worry about them so much. And characters like Aila entertain the masses with her personality.

24. Daisy


And as you all know, Misty’s sisters don’t particularly appreciate her. However, their excellence is still noteworthy. For Daisy, it’s her proficiency in Water Type Pokemon. She is the oldest sister in her family and happens to be a former Gym leader.

And although she has taken a different route in her life now, things are bound to be incredible for someone like her. And her Luvdisc is worthy of recognition.

25. Galea


A character that might seem a bit old at first but has a lot of qualities to offer. She is situated in the Kanto region which would explain her appearance in the show and happens to be associated with Tiffany in the series.

The idea here is that her personality is beyond interesting for a trainer. She goes ahead and challenges Ash for a battle, only to test Corphish’s strength. And such a sentiment is appreciated by the audience.

Therefore, the characters of this anime are always up ahead in their game. And Galea is one such being that you wouldn’t wanna miss out on. She is quite notable altogether for the audience and their content.

26. Professor Sonia

Professor Sonia

Although she is a new instalment in the game, she is a character that managed to take the entire internet as well as the Pokemon community by storm. Professor Sonia is one of the notable characters who happen to be part of the latest Pokemon Sword And Shield Games.

And it is because of her presence that the games become even more fun to play and enjoy. On the outside, she might not seem all that impressive. However, her dialogues and her overall contribution to the franchise make her one of the most fascinating professors in the series.

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This is why she is placed here on our list and you shouldn’t dare to ignore her at any cost. Professor Sonia is a woman of quality and value for the audience.

27. Irida


She is quite an attractive female for the series. And her stature is even more notable than you might think. She is from the Pearl clan. And it is said that her clan is against that of Adaman which is the Diamond Clan.

The idea here is that there’s a rivalry between the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan. And as you can already realize, both of these clans are nothing but references to the generation four-diamond and pearl games.

There’s a reason why everyone looks up to the series altogether. It is because of characters like Irida that the entire experience becomes so captivating and worthy of all the time and effort that the audience puts in.

28. Bettie


Have you played Pokemon Masters EX? If yes then you might know about this character very well. She is Bettie from the games and her personality isn’t what you might expect it to be.

She is grouped up with Pikachu and she goes on to explore the beauty of this world with her Pokemon. Her character is revolving around the idea of adventure. And that’s why everyone appreciates her as a player character.

If someone doesn’t enjoy her presence, they can choose her male counterpart, Scottie. However, it is extremely rare for someone to dislike Bettie and so she is placed here on our list of characters who are nothing but amazing for the audience.

29. Jacqueline


You might think of an actress for this name. However, she is a lot more impressive than that. Jacqueline is one of the notable characters in the show who happened to appear in the Sobble Spies Stealthy Strategy episodes.

And it is during this episode that the girl gained attention from the masses as someone who can’t be ignored at all. One of the biggest features about her is that she is an actress who has a ton of characteristics going on for her.

Moreover, she happens to have an Inteleon who is nothing but sleek with his work. And with all these features in place, this woman makes herself stand out so much more than you might expect.

30. Daniela


This is a girl who melted the heart of the audience. And that’s why she is placed here on our list. She is one of the solo characters who happens to appear in the episode titled Here Comes The Trubbish Squad.

This character is associated with Karena as well. And this association is what makes them worthy of this connection. She is a teacher in Pokemon Day Care. And she teaches Kindergarten students as her profession.

Her class happened to befriend a Trubbish at times. And it is because of her attitude toward her children and the premise of this episode that the character stands out so much more than you might expect.

31. Lanette


Coming in from the Hoenn region, we have Lanette. She is a mechanical engineer who works for computers and happens to work for the betterment of the series. Moreover, it is claimed that she is from Fallarbor Town.

And that’s just the beginning of her character. Moreover, she is responsible for impressive Pokemon Storage Systems. And that’s not all. She is also associated with Brigette who serves as Lanette’s sister.

All in all, she is a noteworthy character that can entertain the audience with her charm and charisma. And that’s why she is placed here on our list. Her job as a computer technician is crucial for the audience.

32. Freesia


If you remember the Dawn of a Royal Day episode, you would know about Freesia. She is one of the side characters who happen to be part of the Pokemon anime.

She is also a service woman for Salvia so that adds another layer to her character. Moreover, just like you would expect, our boy Brock doesn’t miss a chance to flirt with Freesia.

And just like always, things don’t exactly work out. And this is why Freesia is worthy of this spot on our list as a notable woman.

33. Elma


She may not appear all the time but whenever she does, she entertains very well. Elma is a character that appears more than once in the anime. However, she isn’t as frequent as you might expect.

Her presence is nothing but that of a Pokemon Performer. And that’s just the surface of her character. In the anime, she first appeared in the A Showcase Debut episode.

And as a Pokemon Performer, she entertains the audience very well. Her freestyle performance gained a lot of attention from the masses. And that’s why Elma is placed here on our list.

No wonder people look up to her so much. And as the anime continues, we are bound to see her again.

34. Macy


Coming in from the Mahogany town, we have Macy. She is one of the many Pokemon trainers that are present in Mahogany town. And her presence was highlighted when she visited the Silver Conference.

She is a notable character in the series, mainly because of how impressive she is on screen. Although she is just a kid, she manages to entertain the audience quite well with her cute and lovely attitude.

There’s no denying that people always look at her with a positive eye. And her crush on Ash is one of the biggest reasons why she was so memorable for the audience.

Therefore, she is worthy of standing here on our list.

35. Dora


Coming in from the episode that is all about excavations and stuff, we have Dora. She is from the Sayda Islands and happens to own a laboratory there. This lab is named the Sayda Lab.

And Dora is the head of this lab. Alongside Gray and Jared, this girl is someone who goes way past a normal character. And that’s all because of her intelligence and presence in the series.

All in all, she is a noteworthy character that can’t be ignored at all. And her smile is what makes her stand out even more. This is why Dora is a girl that can’t be ignored at all.

This is why Dora is a woman you wouldn’t wanna miss out on if you are rewatching Pokemon again.

36. Cara


This woman may not ring any bells immediately. However, if you are a hardcore fan of the Diamond and Pearl series then you will have a rough idea about her.

For those of you who don’t know her, she is Cara, Dawn’s Neighbour. She lives alongside her husband Izzy and all the time, their appearances are together. Man, I also wish to have a relationship like this.

Anyway, the series highlights the idea that this woman is from Twinleaf town. And as someone who belongs to such a notable town, she was bound to get love and recognition from fans all around the fandom.

This is why Cara is worthy of the current spot on our list.

37. Kako


Kako is a minor character that appeared in the Giratina movie. And that’s how she grasped the attention of the masses. Kako is one of the most memorable characters in the series and happens to have a lot going for her.

For starters, she is from a movie about a legendary Pokemon. And because of that, the audience remembers her very well. Moreover, this is what makes the show worthy of all the love and appreciation that it gets.

As the girl goes on to prove her worth in the anime, things get more and more interesting among the characters. This is why this girl is so important for the audience as well as the characters that stand within the main storyline.

38. Haley


This character is one of those single-episode beings that appear only once but manages to leave a remarkable impact on the audience. She is recognized for her status as the leader of a league.

And not just any league. She is the leader of the B-Button League. And such stature is quite impressive for anyone and everyone in the series. Moreover, she is also known for her claim with the Pokemon we know by the name of Feebas.

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Her aim in life is to make sure that she evolves Feebas without evolving into Milotic. This is why Haley is a character that you would like to have your eyes on.

39. Nessa


Oh dear, this girl is quite a mess, don’t you think? Nessa is one of the lead characters in the show. And happens to be a gym leader. Moreover, she is from Hulbury Stadium.

Needless to say, she is the gym leader of the Hulbury Gym and is recognized for her excellence with Water Type Pokemon. As someone who is a fan of water types, I can tell you that she is one of the best trainers you will find on the character list right now.

Nessa is also known for having a strong team of Pokemon. And this team includes beasts like Drednaw and Milotic that can change the game with their skills and powers.

40. Erina


Coming in from the episode titled Lost at the Stamp Rally, we have Erina. She is one of the side characters in the show who appears to be in search of a certain someone.

It’s a Pokemon. And it’s none other than her precious Axew. In the process, she ends up meeting Ash and befriends him immediately. It’s a staple story approach for Pokemon.

However, in the grand scheme of things, it does work out very well. Moreover, people who like Erina are bound to have good taste as she was quite entertaining and adorable during her time on screen.

Overall, she is a fun character that you wouldn’t wanna miss out on at all costs.

41. Elaine


Coming in from Pokemon Ranger, we have Elaine. She is one of the side characters in the game who happened to be from the Ranger Base. And her hometown was said to be Vientown.

Moreover, the series goes on to shape itself as one of the best when it comes to its creations. The character in conversation right now is a mechanic in her town and this little attribute about her makes her stand out so much more than those characters that stand in the same domain.

There’s a reason why people always appreciate and respect such beings in their anime.

42. Ogin


Ogin, also known as Sylvan, is from the same Giratina movie that we discussed earlier. Therefore, she holds a lot of similarities with the characters we talked about before. Ogin is known for being a side character who doesn’t get herself involved with a lot of work in the foreground.

However, that doesn’t change the fact that she entertains the audience in her way. She is one of those characters that aren’t exactly supposed to do anything groundbreaking. They are just supposed to add a layer of presence and contribution to the show.

And Ogin manages to do that very well. This is why Sylvan is so impressive in the series.

43. Paris


An adorable girl that you just can’t ignore. And therefore, everyone must pay close attention to her. She is one of the single-day characters who appeared in the episode titled Arriving In Style.

And that’s just the surface of her character. Moreover, she is claimed to be a former student of a specific thing. That’s called Hermione. And this is what makes her stand out so much more.

There’s a reason why people appreciated her episode so much. And in the end, the fact meet Ash and the team. In the process, they ended up in the Hearthome gym.

All in all, this character was quite notable from the inside out. And that’s why it deserves a spot on this list for sure.

44. Shelly


While she may not seem all that intimidating at first, you can’t deny that she is indeed quite an attractive woman. Shelly is one of the side characters in the series who is part of the team we know by the name of Team Aqua.

And that’s how she gained so much attention among fans of the show. She is also assigned the position of Admin in the series. And as someone who is considered an admin, she holds quite a lot of power under her wrist.

We do see her battle quite frequently. And her arsenal is dominated by water-type Pokemon.

45. Violet


She may not seem all that notable at first. However, then you will remember her association. And that’s where all that fun begins. Violet is one of the notable characters in the show who happens to have strong relations with none other than Misty.

Moreover, she is Misty’s real sister which would explain her reappearance in the series. And that’s just the surface of her character. If we dive deeper than that, we will realize that her excellence with water-type Pokemon has always been a matter of appreciation and noteworthiness from fans all around the globe.

This is why she is placed here on our list.

46. Cassandra


She is quite an eye-catching girl if you ask me. And that’s fitting considering that she is from the Paras episode. She is one of the notable characters who show up in the Paras episode which is all about an extremely weak Paras being brought forward to become stronger and more powerful.

This is what makes Cassandra such an impressive being in the series. This is why you can’t go wrong with her. The premise of this episode was very basic. Cassandra had a Paras that was extremely weak.

And so, she asks Ash and the team to help her out to build her morale and make the most out of this situation. This is why Paras is so notable to the audience.

And that’s just the beginning of this character.

47. Terri


Coming in from Saffron City, we have Terri. She is one of the notable characters in the anime who is recognized for being associated with the Fighting Dojo in the show.

And her character doesn’t stop there. She is also known for her presence as an apprentice and happens to be extremely good at her skill. Her father used to own the said dojo in the show.

And she is asking a man named Kyle to return to the dojo and take over the responsibility of the same. Unfortunately, Kyle has to pursue his dreams.

And because of that, he cannot follow Terri’s request. And the remaining episode revolves around this premise altogether. This is why the girl is so outstanding to us.

48. Rachel


She is a character that isn’t exclusive to just one episode and instead, shows up time and time again in the series. Rachel is one of the notable characters who is known to be Jim’s wife.

However, her personality isn’t dependent on that of Jin. And so, she stands out as a character on her own. She is from the Gym that is headed by Tate and Liza.

And as this duo takes on a ton of opponents, Rachel is there to provide her assistance whenever she wants to. This is why she is a character that can’t be ignored by anyone who is a hardcore fan of Pokemon altogether.

49. Zoey


Although you might not see her much in the recent anime, she is still a character that can entertain the audience very well. Zoey is one of the most fascinating characters in the city as she belongs to Snowpoint City.

She is a Pokemon Coordinator and her presence as a coordinator is quite a presence altogether. Moreover, in the anime, she serves as the rival of none other than Dawn.

And that’s how you know that she is a woman of quality and value for anyone and everyone in the series. Her competitiveness is what makes her stand out so much.

And that’s just the beginning of her character altogether.

50. Zinnia


Coming in from the Hoenn region, we have Zinnia. She is a simple yet mysterious character who can’t be second-guessed by anyone. Her character gains a lot of traction when she holds onto a special let.

Moreover, she is known for being part of the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire series. And since both these series are quite popular, the girl gains a lot of attention from fans.

Apart from her mysterious attitude, there’s one more feature that makes her stand out so much more in the series. And that’s just the beauty of this character and the Pokemon anime altogether.

Make sure that you watch this show before you miss out.

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