Who Is The Founder Of Christianity? (The Origin of Christianity)

Who Is The Founder Of Christianity? (The Origin of Christianity)

Christianity stands as one of the world’s major religions, with billions of believers across continents. Its history, origins, and teachings have shaped civilizations, crafted cultures, and provided spiritual guidance to many.

But where did it all begin? Who founded this faith that changed the course of human history?

Who Is The Founder Of Christianity?

Christianity originates from the teachings, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God and the savior of humanity as recorded in Matthew 4:1-17. So, if one were to name a “founder” of Christianity, it would be Jesus Christ himself.

The word “Christian” literally means “follower of Christ.” The teachings of Jesus, as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, emphasize love, forgiveness, repentance, and faith. After his crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus’ disciples and early followers spread his teachings throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.

The Apostle Paul, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, played a particularly significant role in the spread of Christian teachings among the Gentiles (non-Jews). He established several churches in Asia Minor and Europe and wrote many letters (which are now a part of the New Testament) elucidating the beliefs and practices of the Christian faith.

The early Christians often faced persecution, but their faith and community continued to grow. The turning point for Christianity came in the early 4th century when Emperor Constantine the Great converted to Christianity and made it a legal religion within the Roman Empire.

The establishment of Christianity as a prominent religion led to the formation of various theological traditions and denominations over the centuries, but all centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

So, while Jesus Christ is the central figure and foundation of Christianity, its spread and establishment as a major world religion was a result of the collective efforts of his early followers and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

What’s the Historical Background of Christianity?

Before diving fully into the inception of Christianity, we must understand the world it was born into. The ancient lands of Israel were under the vast expanse of the Roman Empire, yet retained a distinct identity due to their Jewish traditions.

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Judaism, with its rich lineage of prophets and teachings, set the stage for Christianity. The Old Testament or the Hebrew Bible was foundational, predicting the arrival of a Messiah (Isaiah 9:6-7). This prophesied savior was believed to be sent by God to deliver the Jewish people.

Who Was Jesus of Nazareth?

The heart of Christianity beats around Jesus of Nazareth. Born in Bethlehem, His life and teachings are documented in the New Testament, particularly the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Jesus is portrayed as both divine and human, a Messiah who was prophesied in ancient scriptures. His teachings, ranging from love and forgiveness to the Kingdom of God, deeply resonated with many. It’s written: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14).

His ministry, spanning roughly three years, ended with His crucifixion—a sacrifice for humanity’s sins. Yet, Christianity’s cornerstone is the resurrection: Jesus rising from the dead, showcasing victory over death and sin (1 Corinthians 15:3-8).

How Did the Apostles and Early Followers Spread Christianity?

Jesus’ departure (ascension) didn’t mean the end; it marked the beginning of a mission for His apostles. These close disciples, especially Paul, played pivotal roles.

Paul, once a persecutor of Christians, encountered Christ in a vision (Acts 9:1-19). This conversion changed him, and he embarked on missionary journeys, spreading the Gospel to gentiles (non-Jews). His letters, or epistles, to various churches remain foundational in Christian theology.

The Book of Acts narrates the adventures, trials, and successes of these apostles. They established Christian communities, performed miracles, and spread the teachings of Jesus.

How Was the New Testament Formed?

The New Testament is Christianity’s canonical scripture, distinct from the Hebrew Bible. It comprises the teachings, life, and actions of Jesus, along with apostolic writings.

The Gospels provide four perspectives on Jesus. Following them are the Acts, detailing the apostles’ works. Then come the Epistles (letters) from Paul and other apostles, offering theological guidance. The Book of Revelation, a prophetic text, closes the New Testament.

The canonization of the New Testament wasn’t immediate. By the 4th century AD, the recognized books were solidified, creating a compilation of inspired writings for Christian instruction.

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What Challenges Did Early Christians Face?

Christianity wasn’t readily accepted. Early followers faced persecution, especially under Roman emperors like Nero. Christians were accused of blasphemy against Roman gods and the emperor, leading to executions and martyrdom.

Yet, these stories of brave Christians strengthened the faith of many. As Tertullian, an early church writer, said, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.”

Remarkably, the turning point came with the Edict of Milan in AD 313. Emperor Constantine, after converting to Christianity, declared religious tolerance, ending the widespread persecution of Christians.

Why Was the Council of Nicaea Significant?

Constantine’s conversion had political and religious implications. Christianity, now free to flourish, faced theological disputes. To unify Christian beliefs, Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea in AD 325.

The Nicene Creed, a statement of faith, was established, affirming the belief in the Holy Trinity and other core Christian teachings.

How Did Christianity Spread Beyond the Roman Empire?

With a foundation in the Roman Empire, Christianity began branching out. Missionaries journeyed to distant lands, translating scriptures and establishing churches.

Over time, diverse regions interpreted Christianity slightly differently, leading to the formation of various sects and denominations. From the Roman Catholic Church to Eastern Orthodox and later Protestant denominations, Christianity’s tree grew many branches, all rooted in Jesus’ teachings.


Tracing Christianity’s journey helps believers understand its foundational teachings, early challenges, and transformative power. Jesus of Nazareth remains the central figure, with His message of love, sacrifice, and redemption echoing across millennia.

The legacy of early apostles, the formation of sacred scriptures, and the faith’s spread showcase a dynamic evolution, yet its core remains anchored in Christ.

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